
                   Spinnaker Retrieval System

 Winds are blowing ten knots, you‘re passing boats like they’re

standing still, but now you’re coming into“C” mark. When to do I

 drop the spinnaker? Remember the crew has to pack the spinnaker.

Should I tack to port after the mark?

All these factors effect in the take-down distance at “C” mark, losing

some of the distance that was made down wind. Now, picture this,

as you’re coming into “C” mark, with windward hull slightly out of

the water.


There are three boat lengths to go, then two, then one &  Now!  SNUFF IT!

Just has we start to round the mark, the crew pulls the retrieval line, snuffing the spinnaker into its bag. The spinnaker enters its retrieval bag, as the boat heads back to windward, and your crew finishes the last pull as he sits on the starboard hull. He’s ready for the tack or jumping out on the wire. (All this happening in 3 seconds.) Heavy or light air, the  Snuffer System retrieves & stores your spinnaker in seconds. Even on the smallest courses, it makes spinnaker sailing….. FUN!


Pictured is a Inter 20 with a E-O snuffer loop, the snuffer bridles are attached to the bridle/spinnaker tack fitting using at least a 3 to 1 tensioning line.